10:02duration 10 minutes 2 seconds
CEE3 - Tsunami Update Program (topic 2 lesson…
CEE3 - Tsunami Update Program (topic 2 lesson plan)
From Maria Erb
03:00duration 3 minutes 0 seconds
CEE1 - Egg Vs Earth lecture (Topic 2 supplemental)
03:24duration 3 minutes 24 seconds
CEE2 - Constructing the Earthquake Machine Part 2…
CEE2 - Constructing the Earthquake Machine Part 2 (topic 2 lesson plan)
Construction the Earthquake Machine Part 2
08:39duration 8 minutes 39 seconds
CEE3 - Alaska Tectonics and Earthquakes (topic 5…
CEE3 - Alaska Tectonics and Earthquakes (topic 5 supplemental)
08:05duration 8 minutes 5 seconds
CEE3 - Cascadia Tectonics and Earthquakes (topic…
CEE3 - Cascadia Tectonics and Earthquakes (topic 5 supplemental)
06:42duration 6 minutes 42 seconds
CEE3 - Alaska 1964 Supplemental resource ((topic…
CEE3 - Alaska 1964 Supplemental resource ((topic 1 supplemental)
01:10duration 1 minute 10 seconds
CEE1 - Divergent Boundaries (Topic 5 supplemental)
01:08duration 1 minute 8 seconds
CEE2 - Enhancement of Earthquake Machine (topic 2…
CEE2 - Enhancement of Earthquake Machine (topic 2 lesson plan)
01:15duration 1 minute 15 seconds
CEE2 - BOSS Model Lite #2 (topic 3 lesson plan)
00:42duration 42 seconds
CEE2 - BOSS Model Lite #1 (topic 3 lesson plan)
02:38duration 2 minutes 38 seconds
CEE2 - BOSS Model Demonstration (topic 3 lesson…
CEE2 - BOSS Model Demonstration (topic 3 lesson plan)
02:26duration 2 minutes 26 seconds
CEE2 - BOSS Model Assembly and Demonstration…
CEE2 - BOSS Model Assembly and Demonstration (topic 3 lesson plan)
00:28duration 28 seconds
CEE2 - Animation of Building Retrofit (topic 3…
CEE2 - Animation of Building Retrofit (topic 3 lesson plan)
00:33duration 33 seconds
CEE2 - Animation of Building Collapse (topic 3…
CEE2 - Animation of Building Collapse (topic 3 lesson plan)
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