From Maria Erb April 3rd, 2017
100 | 01:10duration 1 minute 10 seconds
CEE1 - Divergent Boundaries (Topic 5 supplemental)
From Maria Erb June 2nd, 2017
156 | 06:39duration 6 minutes 39 seconds
Plate Boundaries
297 | 09:58duration 9 minutes 58 seconds
Lithospheric Plates Lecture (PNW Topic 2)
From Maria Erb August 4th, 2016
648 | 14:13duration 14 minutes 13 seconds
Mechanical Properties lecture (PNW Topic 3)
From Maria Erb August 12th, 2016
271 | 25:56duration 25 minutes 56 seconds
CEE2 - Earthquake ABC's and Seismic Waves…
CEE2 - Earthquake ABC's and Seismic Waves (Topic 1)
From Maria Erb September 27th, 2016
0 | 02:07duration 2 minutes 7 seconds
Ben's clip for testing
From Maria Erb January 24th, 2018
279 | 00:15duration 15 seconds
CEE1 - Pillow Basalt Formation (topic 7…
CEE1 - Pillow Basalt Formation (topic 7 supplemental)
From Maria Erb April 4th, 2017
75 | 03:12duration 3 minutes 12 seconds
CEE1 - Big Hunk Candy Bar (topic 3 supplemental)
From Maria Erb March 31st, 2017
1,300 | 06:36duration 6 minutes 36 seconds
Terrane Accretion lecture (PNW Topic 7)
From Maria Erb August 11th, 2016
84 | 01:02duration 1 minute 2 seconds
CEE1 - Basin and Range Volcanism (topic 5…
CEE1 - Basin and Range Volcanism (topic 5 supplemental)
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