04:07:55duration 4 hours 7 minutes
NGPET FOLC virtual conference
Zoom Recording ID: 99569989271 UUID:…
22:30duration 22 minutes 30 seconds
NRS 206 Welcome Video
00:39duration 39 seconds
Hi PIYN-ers! See you at the Activities Fair!
At the end of the first week of Fall Term 2020,…
04:52duration 4 minutes 52 seconds
Z Score Distributions S 12
01:02:07duration 1 hour 2 minutes
FGEN Webinar #4: Fall 2020 First-gen Student…
FGEN Webinar #4: Fall 2020 First-gen Student Enrollment Considerations
02:27duration 2 minutes 27 seconds
Dictate Function in Word
This video demonstrates how to use the dictate…
59:00duration 59 minutes 0 seconds
"Dostoevsky's Engagement with the…
"Dostoevsky's Engagement with the Catholic Literary Tradition" presented by Elizabeth Blake
Elizabeth Blake, PhD, assistant professor of…
56:31duration 56 minutes 31 seconds
An Iconography of Enemies: Catholics, Communists,…
An Iconography of Enemies: Catholics, Communists, and US-Cuban Relations presented by Blair Woodard
Blair Woodard of the UP Dept of History examines…
02:58duration 2 minutes 58 seconds
Mr. Gregory L. Pulver.mp4
03:01duration 3 minutes 1 second
Dr. Bradley R. Franco.mp4