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Tara Prestholdt's Personal Meeting RoomZoom Recording ID: 2540777769 UUID: pUHj78goSrubi7KHtzWP6g== Meeting Time: 2020-10-08T19:58:04Z
From Tara Prestholdt
10 plays
"Pray to Love" presented by artist Anne GoetzePhotographer and painter Anne Goetze tells the story behind her artwork depicting the lives of the Visitation Nuns in Annecy, France, 10/22/19. Sponsored by the Garaventa Center.
From Sarah Nuxoll
39 plays
EGR 110 - Lab 2.05Building a Circuit with an Arduino and Multiple LEDs Programming the LEDs to turn on/off with 'if-else' statements
From Shaz Vijlee
746 plays
EGR 110 - Lab 1.07Designing and Building a Circuit with a Battery, Resistor, and LED Kirchoff's Voltage Law
From Shaz Vijlee
886 plays