33:22duration 33 minutes 22 seconds
Why Theology Needs Hipsters presented by Danielle…
Why Theology Needs Hipsters presented by Danielle Trollinger
UP School of Education doctoral fellow Danielle…
00:43duration 43 seconds
CEE1 - TerraneAccretion (topic 7 supplemental)
06:39duration 6 minutes 39 seconds
Plate Boundaries
01:15duration 1 minute 15 seconds
CEE1 - Ocean - Continent Subduction Zone (topic 6…
CEE1 - Ocean - Continent Subduction Zone (topic 6 supplemental)
06:50duration 6 minutes 50 seconds
Geologic History of Cascadia Great Subduction…
Geologic History of Cascadia Great Subduction Zone Earthquakes part 2 (Cascadia EQ Topic 2)
08:01duration 8 minutes 1 second
Cascadia Earthquakes - 1964 Alaska Earthquake…
Cascadia Earthquakes - 1964 Alaska Earthquake (Topic 1)
14:13duration 14 minutes 13 seconds
Mechanical Properties lecture (PNW Topic 3)
06:36duration 6 minutes 36 seconds
Terrane Accretion lecture (PNW Topic 7)
09:58duration 9 minutes 58 seconds
Lithospheric Plates Lecture (PNW Topic 2)