01:19:12duration 1 hour 19 minutes
Economic Inequalities + Guy Standing Lecture
55:16duration 55 minutes 16 seconds
Week 5 Decolonization and Independence
50:54duration 50 minutes 54 seconds
Migration and Refugees
42:30duration 42 minutes 30 seconds
Pol 302 Week 3 Labor and Rights of Workers
01:02:48duration 1 hour 2 minutes
Walking with Two Feet of Love: Following in the…
Walking with Two Feet of Love: Following in the Footsteps of Dorothy Day to End Homelessness presented by Linda Plitt Donaldson
Linda Plitt Donaldson, MSW, PhD, examines the…
17:42duration 17 minutes 42 seconds
Industrial robots in manufacturing industry
59:00duration 59 minutes 0 seconds
"Dostoevsky's Engagement with the…
"Dostoevsky's Engagement with the Catholic Literary Tradition" presented by Elizabeth Blake
Elizabeth Blake, PhD, assistant professor of…