17:36duration 17 minutes 36 seconds
observation #1 pt1
Video of lesson for Observation #1 - Buttner
01:02:27duration 1 hour 2 minutes
2021 Zahm Lecture: Mending into New: A Theology…
2021 Zahm Lecture: Mending into New: A Theology of Making by Makoto Fujimura
01:04:07duration 1 hour 4 minutes
Depictions of The Last Supper From Duccio to…
Depictions of The Last Supper From Duccio to Leonardo
Lecture by Dr.Bill Cook for the Garaventa Center
05:28:10duration 5 hours 28 minutes
Portland MLK Racial Justice Campus Collaborative
07:30duration 7 minutes 30 seconds
Quasi- or Pseudo-Experiments S 4
01:08:39duration 1 hour 8 minutes
The Cross and the Crucifix in Visual Art Through…
The Cross and the Crucifix in Visual Art Through the Ages with Robin Jensen, 9-24-19
Dr. Robin Jensen, Professor of Theology at the…
01:11:58duration 1 hour 11 minutes
Healing Beyond Healthcare with Katie Strawn and…
Healing Beyond Healthcare with Katie Strawn and Joseph Dutkowsky, 3/6/18
UP School of Nursing Adjunct Instructor Katie…
48:18duration 48 minutes 18 seconds
A Dangerous Woman: Faith, Politics and the…
A Dangerous Woman: Faith, Politics and the Assassination of Sr Maura Clarke presented by Eileen Markey
Investigative journalist Eileen Markey chronicles…
02:24duration 2 minutes 24 seconds
The Power of Story with Brian Doyle