Search for tag: "studies"

Frs. Antonelli/Berg and Rutherford on Vatican II

Holy Cross priests Fr. Bob Antonelli, Dick Berg…

+25 More
From  Karen Eifler 50 plays 0  

Music of My of Voice - A Concert with Lori Hicks

A concert with Dr. Lori Hicks portraying the…

+11 More
From  schniewi 7 plays 0  

Sandra Calm's Personal Meeting Room

Zoom Recording ID: 5164182881 UUID:…

+19 More
From  Sandra Calm 6 plays 4  

NRS 409

+21 More
From  Claire McKinley Yoder 4 plays 0  

Amazing Grace: Diversity, Deep Listening & the Anatomy of a Song presented by Dr. Christopher Pramuk

Christopher Pramuk, PhD, Chair of Ignatian…

From  Sarah Nuxoll 223 plays 0  

Hesburgh Lecture: Islam, the Catholic Church and the Future of the World presented by Gabriel Said Reynolds, 3/21/18

Gabriel Said Reynolds presents the…

+90 More
From  Sarah Nuxoll 147 plays 0  

Africa's Contributions to the Catholic Church presented by Fr. Paul Kollman, CSC

Fr. Paul Kollman, CSC, Executive Director of…

From  Sarah Nuxoll 66 plays 0  

Writing About the Arts presented by Graydon Royce, 1-31-18

Acclaimed theater critic Graydon Royce explores…

+80 More
From  Sarah Nuxoll 9 plays 0  

Santa Muerte: The Fastest Growing New Religious Movement in the Americas presented by Andrew Chesnut

Andrew Chesnut, Professor of Religious Studies at…

From  Sarah Nuxoll 448 plays 0  

A Dangerous Woman: Faith, Politics and the Assassination of Sr Maura Clarke presented by Eileen Markey

Investigative journalist Eileen Markey chronicles…

+186 More
From  Sarah Nuxoll 78 plays 0  

An Iconography of Enemies: Catholics, Communists, and US-Cuban Relations presented by Blair Woodard

Blair Woodard of the UP Dept of History examines…

From  Sarah Nuxoll 36 plays 0  

Earthquake Engineering and Emergency Response Part 2 (EQ Basics Topic 3)

+62 More
From  Maria Erb 138 plays 0