05:04duration 5 minutes 4 seconds
EGR 110 - Lab 3.01
58:18duration 58 minutes 18 seconds
Science and Faith: Common Misconceptions and…
Science and Faith: Common Misconceptions and Paths to Integration presented by Joel Nigg, 2/28/18
Lay Catholic scientist Joel T. Nigg, director of…
01:00:04duration 1 hour 0 minutes
Why Theology Needs Lord of the Rings, 2-6-18
UP theology students Ally Liedtke and Niko Strom…
56:50duration 56 minutes 50 seconds
Africa's Contributions to the Catholic…
Africa's Contributions to the Catholic Church presented by Fr. Paul Kollman, CSC
Fr. Paul Kollman, CSC, Executive Director of…
14:38duration 14 minutes 38 seconds
Cascadia Tsunami - Recent Examples and Science…
Cascadia Tsunami - Recent Examples and Science Background Part 2 (Cascadia Tsunami Topic 1)
17:59duration 17 minutes 59 seconds
Earthquake Engineering and Emergency Response…
Earthquake Engineering and Emergency Response Part 2 (EQ Basics Topic 3)