Search for tag: "virtue"

"Pray to Love" presented by artist Anne Goetze

Photographer and painter Anne Goetze tells the…

+54 More
From  Sarah Nuxoll 41 plays 0  

"Dostoevsky's Engagement with the Catholic Literary Tradition" presented by Elizabeth Blake

Elizabeth Blake, PhD, assistant professor of…

+286 More
From  Sarah Nuxoll 91 plays 0  

2018 Red Mass Lecture presented by Fr. Paul Scalia, 9-19-18

Fr. Paul Scalia, Episcopal Vicar for Clergy in…

+161 More
From  Sarah Nuxoll 26 plays 0  

Science and Faith: Common Misconceptions and Paths to Integration presented by Joel Nigg, 2/28/18

Lay Catholic scientist Joel T. Nigg, director of…

From  Sarah Nuxoll 61 plays 0  

Why Theology Needs Lord of the Rings, 2-6-18

UP theology students Ally Liedtke and Niko Strom…

+108 More
From  Sarah Nuxoll 85 plays 0  

Africa's Contributions to the Catholic Church presented by Fr. Paul Kollman, CSC

Fr. Paul Kollman, CSC, Executive Director of…

From  Sarah Nuxoll 67 plays 0  

A Dangerous Woman: Faith, Politics and the Assassination of Sr Maura Clarke presented by Eileen Markey

Investigative journalist Eileen Markey chronicles…

+186 More
From  Sarah Nuxoll 78 plays 0  

2017 Red Mass Lecture by Abbot Jeremy Driscoll, OSB

Abbot Jeremy Driscoll, OSB, of Mt Angel Abbey…

From  Sarah Nuxoll 233 plays 0  

2017 Zahm Lecture presented by Christine Firer Hinze, PhD, 9/6/17

"Against the Grain: Could Zeal for…

From  Sarah Nuxoll 48 plays 0  

Rev. Charles F. McCoy, C.S.C..mp4

+28 More
From  Samuel Williams 106 plays 0  

Dr. Jennette P. Lovejoy.mp4

+34 More
From  Samuel Williams 57 plays 0  

Karen Eifler | University of Portland | Associate Professor | Education

+44 More
From  Samuel Williams 76 plays 1