Search for tag: "class"
Collegium Booster Shot: How Lectio Divina Influences My Teaching - A Conversation with Social Work Professor Liz KeenanDr. Liz Keenan, a professor of social work, talks with Collegium director Karen Eifler about how she takes ~5 minutes to tap into the ancient tradition of Lectio Divina—sacred reading—to…
From Karen Eifler
0 plays
NGPET FOLC virtual conferenceZoom Recording ID: 99569989271 UUID: pol2vz+bTTa0bMMrIZDRdg== Meeting Time: 2023-08-14T16:14:53ZGMT
From Tamar More
2 plays
A Conversation on Collegium-Influenced GradingExplore how Collegium’s themes: sacramental and prophetic worldviews, Catholic social teaching, the Catholic intellectual tradition—might inform our approaches to grading. While…
From Karen Eifler
3 plays
NRS 440 Violence & Trauma Concept PresentationZoom Recording ID: 99388010537 UUID: SN5mxqdqSG24lq3kS8cXzA== Meeting Time: 2022-10-26T23:11:36Z
From Marjorie Attis-Josias
51 plays
Tshombé thanks PIYN-ers & gives some announcementsTshombé thanks PIYN Experience participants for joining the 2021 Plunge Into Your Neighborhood Experience. Reminders include: Students have a community of support on- and off-campus…
From Tshombe Brown
17 plays
Thank you for signing up (& a mini-update)Tshombé congratulates incoming first years for signing up for the Plunge Into Your Neighborhood Experience and shares updates about housing, upcoming video emails, and bringing a sleeping…
From Tshombe Brown
21 plays