Search for tag: "computer"

MacOS Instructions - CommonPlace Book

+19 More
From  Shaz Vijlee 611 plays 0  

Independent Samples t Test Part 2 S 27

+20 More
From  Mark Pitzer 6 plays 0  

How to Access SPSS S 26

+20 More
From  Mark Pitzer 8 plays 0  

Downloading Read&Write

This video demonstrates how to download Read&Write on a Windows 10 computer.

+19 More
From  smithla 20 plays 0  

Recording Lectures using OneNote

This video demonstrates how to use the audio recording function in Microsoft OneNote for recording class lectures.

From  smithla 27 plays 0  

Joining a Microsoft Teams Meeting

This video demonstrates how to join a Microsoft Teams meeting using the Microsoft Teams app.

From  smithla 20 plays 0  

Discussing & Requesting Accommodations

This video shares advice regarding how to discuss and request accommodations from your professors.

+23 More
From  smithla 63 plays 0  

Downloading Microsoft Teams

This video demonstrates how to download the Microsoft Teams desktop app on a Windows 10 computer using your UP credentials.

+20 More
From  smithla 21 plays 0  

Why Annual Cybersecurity Awareness Training?

Presentation reviews motivations behind annual cybersecurity awareness training for UP staff and faculty.

+51 More
From  Michelle Sunderland 454 plays 0  

The Cross and the Crucifix in Visual Art Through the Ages with Robin Jensen, 9-24-19

Dr. Robin Jensen, Professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame and concurrent Professor of the History of Art, presents a survey of the ways the Holy Cross and Christ's Passion have…

From  Sarah Nuxoll 89 plays 0  

EGR 110 - Lab 2.05

Building a Circuit with an Arduino and Multiple LEDs Programming the LEDs to turn on/off with 'if-else' statements

+25 More
From  Shaz Vijlee 746 plays 0  

EGR 110 - Lab 2.06

Reminder of Voltage Dividers Building a Voltage Divider and Connecting it to the Arduino Programming the Arduino to Read the Voltage

+25 More
From  Shaz Vijlee 803 plays 0  

EGR 110 - Lab 2.03

Building a Circuit with the Arduino and a Breadboard Assigning Pins and Pin Modes Turning and LED On and Off

+31 More
From  Shaz Vijlee 943 plays 0  

EGR 110 - Lab 2.04

Basics of computer logic How 'if-else' statements work Programming with 'if-else' statements integer versus float variables

+29 More
From  Shaz Vijlee 768 plays 0  

EGR 110 - Lab 2.02

Downloading and Installing Arduino (for your personal computer) Basics of the Arduino Interface void setup {} and void loop {}

+25 More
From  Shaz Vijlee 722 plays 0  

EGR 110 - Lab 1.04

Resistors Resistor Color Codes The Resistor Color Code Chart is below:

From  Shaz Vijlee 812 plays 0