00:43duration 43 seconds
CEE1 - TerraneAccretion (topic 7 supplemental)
06:39duration 6 minutes 39 seconds
Plate Boundaries
05:57duration 5 minutes 57 seconds
CEE1 - Demonstration of Foam Faults (topic 5…
CEE1 - Demonstration of Foam Faults (topic 5 lesson plan)
00:52duration 52 seconds
CEE1 - Basin and Range Structure (topic 5…
CEE1 - Basin and Range Structure (topic 5 supplemental)
09:57duration 9 minutes 57 seconds
CEE4 - Tsunamis: Recent Examples and Science…
CEE4 - Tsunamis: Recent Examples and Science Background (Topic 1)
07:44duration 7 minutes 44 seconds
Episodic Tremor and Slip (Cascadia EQ Topic 4)
08:01duration 8 minutes 1 second
Cascadia Earthquakes - 1964 Alaska Earthquake…
Cascadia Earthquakes - 1964 Alaska Earthquake (Topic 1)
14:13duration 14 minutes 13 seconds
Mechanical Properties lecture (PNW Topic 3)