26:54duration 26 minutes 54 seconds
12:59duration 12 minutes 59 seconds
3.6 Modeling with Logs.mp4
10:15duration 10 minutes 15 seconds
3.2 Modeling with exponentials.mp4
34:31duration 34 minutes 31 seconds
3.1 Exponentials.mp4
49:22duration 49 minutes 22 seconds
CM38 - Section B - class meetings
03:48duration 3 minutes 48 seconds
4.4 Intro
13:07duration 13 minutes 7 seconds
5.2 Exponential and Log models
Modeling situations using exponential and logarithmic functions
09:58duration 9 minutes 58 seconds
3.3 The Number e
Understanding the number e and its role in exponential functions
08:12duration 8 minutes 12 seconds
4.3 Exponental Graphs
Exploring graphs of exponential functions
19:15duration 19 minutes 15 seconds
4.1 Exponental Functions
Overview of exponential functions, including graphs and modeling.
22:46duration 22 minutes 46 seconds
4.2 Exponental and Linear Functions