Search for tag: "reasoning"

2.2 The Unit Circle

Using radians to measure angles. Measuring arc…

From  Carolyn James 174 plays 0  

"Dostoevsky's Engagement with the Catholic Literary Tradition" presented by Elizabeth Blake

Elizabeth Blake, PhD, assistant professor of…

+286 More
From  Sarah Nuxoll 91 plays 0  

EGR 110 - Lab 2.04

Basics of computer logic How 'if-else'…

+29 More
From  Shaz Vijlee 768 plays 0  

Science and Faith: Common Misconceptions and Paths to Integration presented by Joel Nigg, 2/28/18

Lay Catholic scientist Joel T. Nigg, director of…

From  Sarah Nuxoll 61 plays 0  

Africa's Contributions to the Catholic Church presented by Fr. Paul Kollman, CSC

Fr. Paul Kollman, CSC, Executive Director of…

From  Sarah Nuxoll 68 plays 0  

The Image of the Unseen God: Book Reading with Fr. Thomas Hosinski, CSC

Remarks by Fr. Thomas Hosinski, CSC, UP Emeritus…

+100 More
From  Sarah Nuxoll 94 plays 0  

7.3 Radians and Arc Length

Using radians to measure angles. Measuring arc…

From  Carolyn James 278 plays 0